Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready, Set - Entertain!!!

Happy Friday!!!!

What a week! Ok so I hate to write back to back exercise-related posts, but this is more along the lines of games, gifts, and holiday season sanity maintenance.

As the holidays draw closer, a lot of families are planning festivities to celebrate with friends and family. Dinners, parties, and lots of hosting events, traveling to events, or both are likely in YOUR future. Extended holiday family time can be taxing as it is, and it's a whole different animal when children are thrown into the mix.

I can think back to my childhood, when Thanksgiving at my grandmother's consisted of 2 hours of driving in the minivan, followed by lots of hello kisses and hugs, the newest Barbie or fad present I rattled on about during my last visit to Nana and Pop-Pop's house, meatballs, gravies of all kinds, turkey, and then............. ADULTS TALKING..........

It seemed to me that the coffee-and-catching-up portion of the evening lasted
SO MUCH LONGER than everything else. This could be partially due to the fact that the time was typically spent inventing games that would usually end up with someone hurt, something broken, someone(s) being punished, and everyone crying, but I think the underlying reason was this: BOREDOM.

Nana and Pop-Pop's house had great stuff - like pretty china and silver tea pots, Nana's size 5 high heels that were closer to my size than any real shoe I'd ever seen (dress-up tea party anyone?), and a little black poodle named Lola who was ready-though-not-as-willing-as-we-regularly-assumed to entertain us. But all stuff this was off-limits, so while the grown-ups got their fill of napping, laughing, gossiping and carrying on, the kids were left twiddling our thumbs, flipping channels.

I only wish we'd had something to occupy our time in a POSITIVE way. There are tons of travel games and things to bring to occupy the kids, but one that I would recommend trying out would be the Smart Fit by Fisher Price. With only one piece to worry about, you won't lose parts to THIS one in your travels!

The Fisher Price Smart Fit is a game much like the Wii Fit for Nintendo, minus the game console, controllers, and adult-supervision-required handling of the equipment. The Smart Fit Park is an interactive learning device designed to plug into any television to provide entertainment, education, AND exercise to children ages 2-6. This is truly a plug and play device, as the software is in the mat.
The Park features 8 modes of acitivities for youngsters, including different subjects, like spelling, shapes and music, and allows children to see the effects of their movements as their characters walk, run, jump and stomp in response to the player's actions. It's never too early to sharpen motor skills and start building muscle memory, and this is a no-guilt way to let the kids burn off some post-turkey energy while the adults reconnect (and, if the men in your family are anything like MY power nappers, recharge)!

There are games like it, like the Fisher Price 3-in-1 Smart Sports Plug In, which boasts games like baseball, tennis and golf through 9 interactive levels, but the Smart Fit Park is a convenient under $50 tool to not only give kids an activity, but boost their skills at the same time.

Read more about the Smart Fit here .

Reviews on Amazon rate the product pretty well (see for yourself here), and I think it's definitely worth a shot.

Hey, maybe if Nana had had this, there wouldn't have been so much glitter in her shoes come Black Friday morning.

Now I want to know - how do YOUR family functions usually go around the holidays?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shift Your Focus and Take Back the Controls!

In the wake of all things political this week, from the healthcare debates to what having a new NJ Governor means for the rest of the nation, I feel like I need a breather from distinguishing promises and ideals from propaganda babble.

I try not to get into the habit of watching local news twice a day because I notice I feel depressed more often than informed. Unfortunately, aside from the scattered human interest stories that allow the stone-faced anchors to crack a smile once in a while, it seems bad news sells more airtime - like trying to take one's eyes off of a train wreck. I guess it's just human nature to be attracted to all things sinister and creepy; I'd venture that we're all guilty of giving more attention to the negative than the positive at one time or another.

With the presence of so many forces working against my attempts at maintaining a cheerful outlook, I feel the need to center myself and feel in control of at least one part of my life – and consequently my happiness. For me, that outlet has always come in the form of a workout. Aside from the physical health benefits of exercise (which are IMMENSE), and the endorphin rush that causes a mood lift in the afterglow, my workout time is one of the only intervals during the day where I decide what I’ll do, how hard I’m going to work, and how much of myself I’m going to devote to….MYSELF!

It can be really hard to start the ball rolling though, especially if you don’t think you have time to carve out a workout schedule in your busy day/week.

One really great tool that I have found useful and recommended to others is the Wii Fit
and the Wii Fit Plus.

These are more than just video games. They utilize modern media formats to inspire an age-old practice of relieving stress, improving focus and maintaining a generally better lifestyle. With the prevalence of video and television in our everyday lives, Nintendo is taking steps to give society what it doesn’t even realize it craves – exercise. Instead of sitting on the couch playing first-person shooters all day (which, don’t get me wrong, definitely have their place in our hearts), now individuals and families alike can have an interactive experience, get their play time in, and better themselves at the same time. There is even a multiplayer option for people to enjoy this experience in the same room! (Pardon my sarcasm but really, does the entire family flee to separate corners of the house the second dinner is over in YOUR world?!)

Read my full review here.

Gaming might not be for everyone, and I’m not advocating that it should fully replace an existing regimen. I’m a big fan of changing your routine no matter what you're doing for exercise.... which the Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus also allow for….hmm, maybe I AM a bigger fan than I thought….

But if your workout routine is in a slump and you need to get in the groove with OUT feeling like you’re taking on yet another chore, or if you have those lazy moments of low energy followed by guilt for not taking initiative, the Wii Fit
and the Wii Fit Plus could be the answer you’re looking for.

And now, I have to get back to my local news.... hey, Rome wasn't built in a day you know, and I already did my workout! I'm feeling more cheerful already.....

Find the review here, and more at