So what's on today's agenda? Finding good deals on products you can trust!
I am constantly crawling the web to find the newest and best products for the wide array of hobbies and interests I'm interested in. It's sort of an addiction, but let's face it - gone are the days of going to a store completely blind and picking out a product, trusting you're being given the best possible savings and going home with the warm fuzzy feeling that you were led in the right direction by the honest and knowledgeable sales associate. (If these stores still exist PLEASE tell me where they are, I will visit for the sake of nostalgia!) The fast-paced targeted marketing tactics of retail today simply do not allow for this formula to exist while making a profit - and unforunately, the current economy squeeze has made it even harder to retain an adequate number of knowledgeable salespeople, invested in your loyalty as a customer. Consumers are left price comparing for the best deal, and many times the best deal is found online.
Product comparison is key to finding a good deal, and I like to see customer reviews on products I am interested in, because they are usually a good indicator of how the product will function once it's out of the bag/box/whatever.
However, you cannot take these out of context. Disgruntled customers tend to run to their keyboards more quickly than those who are content with their purchases, so I am always wary of the motives of one lone baaaaaaad review amongst a majority of favorable ones. It's good to see both sides of the coin, as long as you take each opinion for what it is - an opinion.
When researching a product, I look for sites with product reviews. has pretty complete customer reviews
Returnability is also an important factor in my search. Both Amazon and are pretty reliable both in shipping on time and returning a product for an unsatisfied customer.
So stay tuned for many more product reviews as part of this blog...for now, I will leave you toy fans with this, a lens created in Squidoo for the purpose of educating the masses about Transformers Beast Wars, an awesome series that came out in the late 90's with great CGI animation. You don't have to be a die-hard Transformers fan to fall in love with the series, and it's NOT just for boys either!
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